Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 Favorites

So, some pretty awesome things happened/came out in 2012. Let's go over just a few of those:

  1. We Survived the Mayan Apocalypse Okay, so very few sane people actually thought this was going to happen. But you had better believe I am at least going to try to convince my future children that the movie 2012 happened and I survived. 
  2. One Direction From the bottom of the stairs to the top of the world! This is the year that I ruined my life got interested in One Direction. 
  3. New Taylor Swift C.D. We nearly died in anticipation waiting for this, because as someone on tumblr so eloquently put it "Taylor Swift albums are like Bibles for white girls." And who doesn't love guessing which song goes with which boyfriend?
  4. Avengers The amount of times I tried to see this movie but it was sold out....sigh. Seriously, three weeks after it came out every show was still selling out. In my opinion, best movie this year.
  5. The Election Romney/Ryan vs. Obama/Biden. Let's just say I walked around with a scowl on my face the whole next day. 
  6. The London Olympics If you didn't have plans to marry and have beautiful children with at least 1 athlete from this year's Olympics, you're lying. Who doesn't love Tom Daley's reaction to getting bronze, or McKayla Maroney's infamous silver medal face? Also, Phelps vs. Lochte
  7. I started college! I originally wasn't pleased when I sent in my deposit to Houston Baptist. But ever since orientation in June, I've loved it. I can't imagine myself anywhere else. I've made great friends, learned so much, had some fabulous experiences, and I can't wait to do it again next semester. 
  8. Starbucks For me, this was the year I became addicted to coffee. Starbucks probably possesses what seems like half of my life savings, thanks to the brilliance that is white mocha frapps and lattes. Oh, and the peppermint mocha EVERYTHING. Ahhhh now I need to go Starbucks. 
So, what major events am I missing? I know there are more.....

Lots of Love and blessings for the New Year,


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