I really love to work out, I really do. But life gets in the way (i.e. 19 hours of classes, working 11 hours a week, plus hopefully volunteering 3 hours a week). But one of my
New Year's Resolutions is to get healthy, so I really am going to make my workouts less sporadic. I have started this with a plan. Namely, when I complete 20 workouts by a certain date (January 18th), I can put $50 in my iPad fund. If I don't finish the 20 (I started this in December, so I already have 4 done) by the 18th, I have to do another 20 in 20 days before I can put the money in the fund. No work, no pay. And each workout has to be a minimum of 30 minutes, or I can't take down the sticky tab (I'm using
this Pinterest trick to stay motivated and keep track of my workouts, in addition to writing them on my desk calendar and in my planner). I also write them in ink, rather than pencil, in my planner and calendar, to show to myself that while everything else can move, I don't get another chance with my body.
Now, there are other things that I'm using to motivate myself besides my iPad and calendars. Three of my friends and I have a Facebook group where we post our workouts so we can keep each other accountable over break. Once break is over, we're going to start working out together a couple of times a week. I also really love my
Pinterest fitness board, where I'll pin inspirational quotes and workout ideas.
And of course, there's always workout clothes. I mean really, look at these:
And what workout is complete without music? Here's my personal playlist (don't judge):
Lots of Love,